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When Others Shuddered

Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up

Jamie Janosz

When Others Shuddered

Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up

Jamie Janosz



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When Others Shuddered: Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up is the story of eight women called to serve God and who, in doing so, changed the world.

They lived at the turn of the century, rubbing shoulders with the well-known men of their time, like John Rockefeller, Marshall Field, and Dwight Lyman Moody. These women: Fanny Crosby, Mary McLeod Bethune, Nettie McCormick, Sarah Dunn Clarke, Emma Dryer, Virginia Asher, Evangeline Booth, and Amanda Berry Smith were unique. They were single and married, black and white, wealthy and poor, beautiful and plain, mothers and childless.

Yet, each felt called to make a difference and to do something to meet a pressing need in her world. These women wanted to live lives less ordinary. Their stories inspire us to follow God's calling in our own lives. They teach us that each individual person can make a difference.

These eight women will show you how God can use your life to change the world.

  • Title

    When Others Shuddered

  • Author(s)

    Jamie Janosz

  • ISBN


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  • Audience

    Adults, Female

  • Pages


  • Published


Jamie Janosz

Jamie Janosz

Jamie Janosz is a wife, mother, writer, and content development manager for Moody Global Ministries. She studied theology and writing at Moody Bible Institute, Columbia College, and Illinois State University. Jamie writes monthly devotionals for Today in the Word and has published non-fiction essays with Christianity Today’s Hermeneutics blog. In her off hours, you will most likely find her poking through antique shops, adding to her collections of old books, mid-century furniture, and vintage purses. Jamie and her husband, Milt, have been married 23 years. They live with their daughter, Sabrina, on the Atlantic coast of Florida.

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