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Restaurados - Estudio bíblico

Restored - Bible Study (Spanish)

Robert K Cheong

Restaurados - Estudio bíblico

Restored - Bible Study (Spanish)

Robert K Cheong



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¿Cuál es tu historia? Cada uno de nosotros tiene una única, una forma de unir nuestras experiencias pasadas, relaciones, alegrías y tristezas actuales para dar sentido a nuestras vidas. Pero si vivimos nuestras historias sin mirar al gran Narrador, nos perdemos y confundimos. Cambiar los patrones profundos de vida y amor sucede cuando encontramos nuestro lugar en la gran historia de Dios y aprendemos a confiar en Su amor y cuidado por nosotros.

En este estudio de trece semanas, el pastor y autor Robert K. Cheong nos enseña que, al estar unidos a Cristo, podemos acercarnos a Dios, disfrutar de Su amor y vivir con nuevos patrones y ritmos de vida. El estudio guía a los participantes a crear sus propias «historias» que los conectarán con la gran historia de Dios y les ayudará a reflexionar y avanzar. A medida que los participantes interactúan, realizan actividades prácticas y aprenden a meditar en la Palabra de Dios, se reconectarán con Él y crecerá su amor por Él y por los demás.


What is your story? Each one of us has a unique one, a way to link our past experiences, relationships, current joys, and sorrows to make sense of our lives. But if we live our stories without looking to the great Storyteller, we get lost and confused. Changing the deep patterns of life and love happens when we find our place in God's great story and learn to trust His love and care for us.

In this thirteen-week study, pastor and author Robert K. Cheong teaches us that, by being united with Christ, we can approach God, enjoy His love, and live with new patterns and rhythms of life. The study guides participants to create their own 'stories' that will connect them with God's great story and help them to reflect and move forward. As participants interact, engage in practical activities, and learn to meditate on the Word of God, they will reconnect with Him, and their love for Him and others will grow.

  • Title

    Restaurados - Estudio bíblico

  • Author(s)

    Robert K Cheong

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Audience

    Adults, Small Group

  • Pages


  • Published


Robert K Cheong

Robert K. Cheong is the pastor responsible for Care and Counselling at Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky. He is married to Karen and they have three grown children.

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