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Wiser With Jesus

Overcoming the Temptations that Hinder Your Relationships, Steal Your Time, Mar Your Decision–Making and Thwart Your Purpose

Zack Eswine

Wiser With Jesus

Overcoming the Temptations that Hinder Your Relationships, Steal Your Time, Mar Your Decision–Making and Thwart Your Purpose

Zack Eswine



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Dive into the godly wisdom of Proverbs with Zack Eswine’s guide to living well.

The biblical book of Proverbs exemplifies how to live life on this earth in the best way possible. However, rather than giving us step–by–step instructions on how to live a more efficient, productive, and successful life, the ancient book of Proverbs encourages us to meditate on the person, posture and pace of wisdom.

In our pursuit of wisdom as Christians, we find that ultimate wisdom is embodied in Christ. We must pursue wisdom as we would a person, relationally and with love. The posture of wisdom is one of humility and teachability, and the pace of wisdom encourages meditation rather than immediate action.

In this valuable book, Zack Eswine shows us how these things play out in our everyday lives. He emphasizes the importance of relating wisely to people, including to ourselves, before considering how to grow wiser in life skills. But to grow wiser of heart, whether with people or with life skills, wisdom invites us to prayer and community. Biblical wisdom invites us to seek wiser hearts in communal rather than lonely ways.

This book is a treasure for anyone seeking to live life more wisely.

  • Title

    Wiser With Jesus

  • Author(s)

    Zack Eswine

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Christian Focus Publications

  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Zack Eswine

Zack Eswine

Zack Eswine serves as lead pastor of Riverside Church in St. Louis, Missouri. ​He is the author of Preaching Today’s book of the year, Preaching to a Post-Everything World (Baker, 2008), as well as The Imperfect Pastor: Discovering Joy in Our Limitations through a Daily Apprenticeship with Jesus (Crossway, 2015), which received Christianity Today‘s 2016 book of the year in the church/pastoral leadership category.

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