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Four Kinds of Christmas

Which are you?

Glen Scrivener


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Four Kinds of Christmas

Which are you?

Glen Scrivener


What kind of Christmas are you?

Real tree? Or plastic?

Carols by candlelight? Or office party?

Queen’s speech? Or Doctor Who special?

Four Kinds of Christmas explores four approaches to the festive season: Scrooge, Shopper, Santa and Stable. Which are you? You can take the test at and find out!

On one level, it’s just a bit of fun. On another level it’s about something deeper – our approaches to life. How do we view the world? How do we view the future? How do we view ourselves? And where do we look to find answers?

This Christmas, billions of people will stop to honour the birth of history’s central figure. Maybe Jesus can make sense of things. Have a read and see what you think.


An excellent little evangelistic book ideal to give away this Christmas that looks at four different ways to understand Christmas. Which way do you see it?

Four Kinds of Christmas is a great introduction to the Christmas message. It will make people laugh. And it will make people think… about themselves and about Jesus. Tim Chester, author and pastor of Grace Church, Boroughbridge

  • Title

    Four Kinds of Christmas

  • Author(s)

    Glen Scrivener

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  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


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Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener is an author, speaker and creator of the 321 evangelism course ( Originally from Australia, he directs Speak Life, a UK-based ministry seeking to captivate church and world with the love of Jesus. A native of Australia, he now lives in Eastbourne, England with his wife Emma and their two children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 6 reviews

Clear message and creatively presented

Was looking for a short, easy to read evangelistic book to distribute in my neighbourhood for Christmas and discovered Glen Scrivener's 'Four kinds of Christmas. Watched the recommended video and decided to order a bulk supply. This book is fresh, engaging, definitely easy to read and just the kind of evangelistic book I was looking for. I feel confident giving them out and pray they will be point my neighbours to Jesus.

Mrs Tervet


Glen Scrivener was born in Australia, has been a stand–up comedian and is a preacher. He combines all three in this fresh, witty and perceptive take on Christmas. I’m sure you’ll find some resonance as he holds up his humorous Aussie Biblical mirror to your Christmas.

Rico Tice

Typical Glen Scrivener

This is typical Glen Scrivener – clear, engaging and humourous. The best bit, as always, is the good news that Glen brings. Is there anyone we should not give this to? I don’t think so.

Peter Mead


This is quite superb. Lighthearted but wise, it shows just where true Christmas joy can be found. Put one in every stocking!

Mike Reeves

Remarkably Clear

Glen Scrivener has done it again: a remarkably crisp, clear and creative way of getting people to think about Christmas.

Andrew Wilson

Insightful and provocative

Insightful and provocative. Glen is always worth reading, and this book is no exception.

Barry Cooper

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