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Overcoming Walls to Witnessing

Timothy K Beougher


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Overcoming Walls to Witnessing

Timothy K Beougher



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Evangelism can often be the area in the Christian life that most often causes us to feel inadequate, fearful, and uncomfortable. We know we should be telling people about Jesus, but more often than not, we don’t.

Many resources seek to inform us of the urgency of mission or to encourage us in our witness, but they don’t always address the deep-seated barriers to evangelism that we have built up. We might be encouraged for a time, but unless these walls to witnessing are knocked down we’ll never be confident and effective in our evangelism.

The topics covered in Overcoming Walls to Witnessing are taken from a survey answer to the question “What is your greatest hindrance in witnessing?” and so address our real reasons for not sharing the gospel. With a warm and engaging style, Dr. Timothy K. Beougher shows us how each barrier to our witness can be knocked down enabling us to confidently share the gospel.

Praise for the book:

“Tim Beougher is an evangelist to the core and a passionate teacher of evangelism. Overcoming Walls to Witnessing is a tried, true, and trustworthy guide to greater effectiveness in sharing Christ with unbelievers. This is a really helpful book, and I am thankful it will serve a new generation, bearing witness to the unchained gospel of Christ.”

– R. Albert Mohler, Jr, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"When I first read the booklet, Overcoming Walls to Witnessing, I saw myself in the mirror and I did not like what I saw. I knew beyond any doubt that I was guilty of running into one of the walls of witnessing, the wall of busyness. The words in the booklet were convicting and persuasive. I renewed my commitment to share the gospel more obediently and more faithfully. Get this booklet in the hands of all your church members. Ask them to read it. Ask them to pray about it. And ask them to be obedient to how God speaks to them through it."

– Thom S. Rainer, author, former President of LifeWay, and Founder and CEO of Church Answers

“Having known Tim Beougher for more than 20 years, I’m pleased to state that he is a faithful, consistent witness to the good news of Jesus Christ and that his encouragement and counsel to students and church members to actively share their faith is something he models. I know that because I was one of his students! I became a more faithful and consistent witness as a direct result of Beougher’s influence. 'Overcoming Walls to Witnessing’ captures the heart and essence of the lessons Beougher has been living and teaching for decades. With more lost people in the world today than at any time in history, the need for our witness is unprecedented. We must overcome walls to witnessing! Beougher helped me in that and, through this important booklet, he will help you.”

– Paul Chitwood, President of the International Mission Board

“Many Christians are not sharing their faith because of various 'walls to witnessing’. I know of no one who can confront these barriers in personal evangelism more winsomely than Dr. Tim Beougher. What a privilege to sit at his feet and learn from him in this booklet!”

– Dr Robert E. Coleman, author of The Master Plan of Evangelism

“In this slim volume, Tim Beougher confronts six of the most common barriers to personal witnessing with biblical clarity and sanctified common sense. Even after a lifetime of seeking to share my faith, I found Overcoming Walls to Witnessing a powerful motivation to renew my zeal for evangelism. I pray it gains a wide readership.”

– Al Jackson, Pastor of Lakeview Baptist Church, Alabama

"Tim Beougher is both scholar and practitioner. As a seminary student where Dr Beougher taught, I enrolled in nearly every course he offered and was never disappointed. His ability to weave sound theology, practical instruction, and inspiring stories has been a help to many aspiring witnesses for Christ. His booklet, Overcoming Walls to Witnessing, is one that every Christian should read. It will encourage those believers who feel that witnessing for Christ is something they can never do, as well as equip those who have grown stale in personal evangelism. I have given away numerous copies and those who read it will want to do the same.

– Todd Gray, Executive Director-Treasurer for The Kentucky Baptist Convention

  • Title

    Overcoming Walls to Witnessing

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    Timothy K Beougher

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    Evangelism & Mission

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Timothy K Beougher

Timothy K Beougher

Timothy Beougher. Associate Dean, Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to coming to Southern Seminary, Beougher served for six years at Wheaton College as assistant professor of evangelism and associate director of the Institute of Evangelism at the Billy Graham Center. He has written and edited numerous works related to evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual awakening, including Overcoming Walls to Witnessing; Training Leaders to Make Disciples; Evangelism for a Changing World; Accounts of a Campus Revival: Wheaton College 1995; and Richard Baxter and Conversion.

Beougher currently serves as senior pastor of West Broadway Baptist Church in Louisville and has ministry experience as an evangelist, church planter, and interim pastor (October 2021).

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 1 review

A timeless book

This was an excellent book. If we are honest with ourselves, we have used every excuse Beougher confronted when it comes to evangelism. This is a timeless book and should be in your library. We can all find ourselves in the excuses that he addresses in this book. Super easy to read and easy to digest. Might need to read this every year!

Chris Joines

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