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Jonathan Pennington 2 Pack

Small Preaching & Sermon on the Mount Study Journal

Jonathan Pennington

Jonathan Pennington 2 Pack

Small Preaching & Sermon on the Mount Study Journal

Jonathan Pennington




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This pack contains the following:

Small Preaching

It’s not often that we hear the virtues of the small. Our culture teaches that bigger is bette rand that includes church ministry and preaching, too. But what if rather than swinging for the fences, preachers focused on improving their sermons through small habits, practices, and exercises? What if smaller is better?

In a world where “small” isn’t always celebrated, Jonathan T. Pennington provides Small Preaching, a short book of simple tips that can have revolutionary effects over time. Pennington offers preachers 25 words of wisdom that will help shape their preaching for the better.

Sermon on the Mount

Protestant Christians since the time of the Reformation have prioritized individual and corporate reading of the Bible itself. Certainly, books of theology and God-focused resources own an important place in the Christian life, but these cannot replace engaging directly in God's Word. After all, it's Scripture that is "profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

That's what this journal is all about. In these pages, you'll read perhaps the most famous and widely influential passage of the entire Bible, the Sermon on the Mount, along with notes and reflections from Jonathan T. Pennington, a leading Gospels scholar whose recent work centers around Jesus' Sermon. Use these pages to reflect as you read, to study Jesus' words for yourself, and to apply Jesus' commands in your own life.

  • Title

    Jonathan Pennington 2 Pack

  • Author(s)

    Jonathan Pennington

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Lexham Press

  • Bible Book


  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Published


Jonathan Pennington

Dr. Jonathan T. Pennington (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is the Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Director of Research Doctoral Studies at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is also a respected author of various books, articles, and resources on the Greek and Hebrew language. Dr. Pennington received his MDiv degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is currently on the pastoral team of Sojourn East in Louisville.

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