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Understanding the secrets of living for Jesus

Warren Wiersbe





Understanding the secrets of living for Jesus

Warren Wiersbe



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Do you know the secret of living?

In order to bear fruit, we must abide in Christ . . .

What is the secret of abiding? It is obeying; give God your will.

What is the secret of obeying? It is loving; give God your heart.

What is the secret of loving? It is knowing; give God your mind.

Christ gave His disciples complete instructions for living the abundant life. And He speaks to us today through His Word, saying: ‘This life can be yours as well!'

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    Warren Wiersbe

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    Wiersbe mini books

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Warren Wiersbe

Warren Wiersbe

Warren Wendel Wiersbe (1929–2019) was a well–known American pastor, Bible teacher, speaker and author. 

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 6 reviews

Powerful little book on John 15

This is a powerful little book on John 15. It is divided into 5 chapters ideal for personal Bible Study. Also a good reminder that apart from Christ we can not do anything. “The secret of living is fruit bearing, and the secret of Fruit bearing is abiding. What is the secret of abiding? It is obeying; give God your will. What is the secret of obeying? It is loving; give God your heart. What is the secret of loving? It is knowing; give God your mind.”

Rebekka Accardo

Refreshing and easily digestible

What a wonderful excerpt on John 15. In a short book, Warren Wiersbe does an incredible job of explaining how we must abide in Christ and what that looks like for the Christian life. It is a super easy read, the content is refreshing and easily digestible. I would recommend this to all ages. It will become a regular in my youth ministry.

Chris Joines

How to abide in Christ

This is a short exposition (78 pages) of Jesus' vine discourse in John 15. Five short chapters bring out five "secrets" of godly living. We are to bear fruit, by obeying Jesus in love and knowledge. It is a most encouraging book.

Stephen Ayre

Living life to the full

This book is really good. Encourages Christians to abide in Christ in every aspect of our lives. Very encouraging yet challenging book. Also there is a song in YouTube called abide by housefires which I recommend listening to it.

Will venables

Abiding in Jesus brings abundant life!

Warren Wiersbe does an excellent job on bringing out the logic and flow of Jesus' teaching in John 15. He writes clearly and in a straightforward manner with lots of insight into the meaning and application of the passage. I especially liked his explanation of what it means to 'abide' in Jesus - that as Christians have been united to Christ, as the branch is united to the vine, then this living union forms the basis of our communion with Jesus (our 'abiding' in him), our moment-by-moment fellowship with our Lord that is evidenced in our lives in various ways as we live for him. Very helpful and challenging stuff! Well worth recommending to others if they're looking for a good read.

Matthew Brown


This is an outstanding little book. A simple exposition of John 15, I've never read anything better on the subject.

Jonathan Carswell

Also in this series

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