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Sing in Exultation

A Christmas Devotional Exploring Our Favorite Carols

Jonathan Landry Cruse


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Sing in Exultation

A Christmas Devotional Exploring Our Favorite Carols

Jonathan Landry Cruse

Out of stock in 2024, but check out other Advent titles here!

Carol singing is as indispensable to the festive season as decking the halls and swapping gifts. This little book contains 25 advent devotions, each unpacking a verse from a well-known carol, uncovering riches in the familiar words we love to sing each December.

Beginning with Scripture’s first hint of Jesus’ coming, and sweeping through to lyrics rejoicing in the hope of His return, these daily devotions not only give us a deeper appreciation for each carol, but a deeper appreciation for Christ this Christmas.


The Apostle Paul encourages us to sing in the Spirit with understanding. In this short book, Jonathan helps us to do just that, as he explains the meaning behind the words of our favorite (and now too familiar) Advent hymns and Christmas carols. This book will help you tune your heart (and mind) to the melody (and mystery) of the gospel, expressed so beautifully in the songs we sing each Advent and Christmas season. 

Jonny Gibson, associate professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

Each year, the carols of Christmas sound in our ears, even as their words fill our mouths. Yet, the great aim of these carols is left undone if that is where they remain; their message is meant to fill our hearts. Jonathan Cruse’s Christmas’ devotional, Sing in Exultation!, promotes this great end with brief and encouraging explanations, searching questions, and poignant prayers. Be prepared to have your understanding of famous Christmas carols expanded and your worship of Whom they sing enflamed.

Jason Helopoulos, pastor, University Reformed Church, Lansing, Michigan, author, The Promise and A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home

A rare treat: a devotional that is both rich in content and manageable for daily use! Christmas is a time for singing. This little work will help individuals and families see the good news woven into our favourite carols is both biblical and heart-warming. A wonderful way to sing your way through Advent.

Jonty Rhodes, Minister, Christ Church Central, Leeds

Christmas carols aren't just picturesque; they contain deep Christian teaching. In this little book, Jonathan Landry Cruse organizes twenty-five carol excerpts into an Advent calendar of reflections, each ornamented with Scripture and prayer. Let this be your guide through the month of December, as you treasure up the mystery of the incarnation and ponder it in your heart.

Josh Bauder, Composer

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    Sing in Exultation

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    Jonathan Landry Cruse

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Jonathan Landry Cruse

Jonathan Landry Cruse

Jonathan Landry Cruse is the pastor of Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, MI. He has a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Brief enough to accommodate shorter attention spans for family devotionals!

In Sing in Exultation! (10Publishing, 112 pp.), Jonathan Landry Cruse ponders the rich meaning found in the verses of various Christmas carols and uses them as a springboard for reflecting on the Christmas season. So often, Cruse notes in his introduction, people don’t pay close attention to the words they sing and as a result do not understand the meaning and significance of treasured holiday hymns. This is problematic, he writes, because “words that are sung with no understanding, even if sung in God’s direction, fall flat before the Lord.”

Cruse begins and ends his devotional with Isaac Watts’ “Joy to the World,” which echoes the first prediction of Christ’s advent as well as the hope of Christ’s second advent. In between, he selects hymns that display the arc of the Christmas story and echo Scripture. Cruse also notes that the “best Christian hymns will teach you good theology.” He points to the lesser-known second verse of “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” showing that when we sing “God of God, Light of Light … Very God, begotten not created,” we are quoting from the Nicene Creed. For families with children of various ages, each daily reading is brief enough to accommodate shorter attention spans and includes a Scripture reading for further reflection.

Kristin Chapman

Delightful Devotional

A delightful little devotional on some favorite Christmas hymns that will surely lead your heart to wonder and worship. This would be great for individuals and for families and made even better with a hymnal beside it so you can sing along in exultation to our King! *I was provided a copy of this book for review.

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